
Hey friends, I’m so glad you’re here with me at Substack! Thank you for making the move with me.

Part of why I made this transition is, to be blunt, because Mailchimp is kind of impossible to deal with. There’s really no customer service support to speak of, unless you pay a lot of money for it. (Substack has already given me a ton of support in making this transition. It rules.)

So, here’s the housekeeping part! I’ve done my best to fully shut down the Mailchimp list and interface, which is supposed to include the billing integration. You shouldn’t get billed for Here’s the Thing by Mailchimp or Campaignzee anymore. If you signed up for a paid Substack subscription, that should be the only newsletter charge you see from me going forward. If you signed up for a free subscription, you should stop getting charges related to my newsletter.

If you wind up getting double-charged, please let me know right away so I can try to sort that shit out! I’ll have an eye on the comments section of this post, or you can email me here.

Thanks in advance for your patience as we make this move together. And, as always, thank you for being here.

- Sarah

P.S. Thank you so much to everyone who has helped me spread the word about the move to Substack on social media and via word-of-mouth! I’ve had an incredible response already. Your support means the world to me. Let’s keep this thing going! ❤︎