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KNOW YOUR STATION #5 Available Tomorrow!

Know Your Station #5 is in stores tomorrow!
KNOW YOUR STATION #5 Available Tomorrow!

It's almost here!! The final issue of KNOW YOUR STATION is in comic shops tomorrow!!

KNOW YOUR STATION #5 features main cover art by my beloved co-creator Liana Kangas. We’ve also got some amazing variant covers by Becca Carey and Maria Llovet. The whole series features colors by the legendary Rebecca Nalty and letters by the indomitable Cardinal Rae. Working with them and superstar editor Elizabeth Brei, with behind-the-scenes support from the incredible Maya Bollinger, has been a true career high for me. Honestly, I couldn’t be more proud of what we’ve made, and I couldn’t be more excited for y’all to read it.

Are you ready to know who the killer is?

Head to your local comic shop and pick up a copy while you can!! If you prefer digital, KNOW YOUR STATION #5 is available at comiXology and Google Play.
