New Feature: What We Share

As 2020 draws to a close, I’m reflecting more than ever on community. Through this awful year, I’ve watched the people around me draw together to support and care for each other. Many of my friendships have deepened in spite of the isolation we’re all experiencing. We’ve found uncountable ways to stay connected, to stay invested in each other, to learn from each other, to share the things that bring us joy. It’s been beautiful to watch the ways in which we seek each other out, the ways in which we form connections, the ways in which we’re there for each other.

With that in mind, I’m introducing a new monthly feature for paying subscribers. It’s called What We Share. Each month, I’ll send out a curated list of things for subscribers to experience together. We’ll share a book, a beverage, a playlist, a recipe (with variations for dietary preferences and restrictions), a challenge, and a comfort.

It’s been a tough year and coming into a new community shouldn’t put anyone out, so I’m making it a little easier to participate. Subscribe before December 31 to get a 20% discount on your first year as part of the subscriber community. If you already have a subscription, you can also gift a subscription to someone who you’d love to share these experiences with.

The community that’s formed among paying subscribers over the past year has been truly astounding to see and participate in. Y’all have changed me for the better, and helped to carry me through 2020 in a way I would never have thought possible. In 2021, let’s share some new experiences; in so doing, let’s forge deeper connections with each other and with our loved ones, and with those who are strangers today, but who will be friends tomorrow.

Let’s keep building beautiful things together.
